0.5 About the teachers
The teachers that you will meet in this course are employed by UiT The Arctic University of Norway, if not otherwise stated.
Specialised in different topics, they all have years of experience with guiding and teaching
good research data management, as well as transparency and open science in general.
DocEnhance working group

Helene N. Andreassen
Helene N. Andreassen is a Senior Academic Librarian and head of library teaching and learning support at UiT The Arctic University
of Norway. Coordinating the institutional RDM training programme and the seminar series Take control of your PhD journey,
she combinates focus on research practices and education. Helene holds a PhD in French Linguistics and enjoys working on international projects on data management practices in linguistics. Outside the office, she devotes much time working
on the family potato farm in the Målselv valley.
Noortje Haugstvedt
Noortje Haugstvedt is a Senior Academic Librarian and the subject librarian for geoscience, physics, engineering and computer sciences Noortje holds a PhD in Marine Geology. Noortje teaches research data management and is one of the data curators at the repository UiT Open Research Data. She
is part of a project implementing electronic lab notebooks at UiT, providing administrative support and training on best practices. Her guilty pleasure is listening to Dolly Parton.

Leif Longva
Leif Longva (working group leader) holds an MA Economics, and is Academic Librarian at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. He has worked
with several digital library projects and services including UiT’s open repository, Munin. He is now coordinator for UiT’s data repository UiT Open Research Data. Leif serves as support staff and supervisor for open science issues at UiT, and is a passionate fan of speed skating.
Henning Hansen
Henning Hansen is a Research Librarian at the Swedish National Heritage Board and a Senior Academic Librarian at the University Library of Tromsø. A trained book historian and an open science aficionado, Henning works with everything from research data management to fifteenth century maps. He holds a PhD in modern history and is part of the library’s teaching staff. Half Swedish, half Danish and living and working in Norway, he embodies the pan-Scandinavian ideals.Other lecturers and interviewers

Per Pippin Aspaas
Per Pippin Aspaas is a Senior Academic Librarian at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, where he coordinates the library’s research and publishing support team. An active spokesperson for open access and open science in general, he is responsible for the Open Science Talk podcast series. Per holds a PhD in history of science and bakes his own bread.
Radovan Bast
Radovan Bast is a research software engineer with a background in theoretical chemistry. He has worked in France, Stockholm, and now Tromsø at the frontier between science, software, and computational support and enjoys supporting multi-disciplinary research and teaching programming tools and languages to researchers. He now works as part of the Norwegian research infrastructure services (NRIS) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and leads the CodeRefinery project. He is a fan of the 8-bit graphics era, and loves cooking and baking and aviation.

Aysa Ekanger
Aysa Ekanger is a senior advisor in research and publishing support at the University Library of Tromsø. She coordinates UiT’s open access publishing service, chairs the organising committee of the Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing and contributes to the library’s courses on open access and research data management. Aysa has a PhD in Theoretical Linguistics and practices martial arts.

Jannicke Persen
Jannicke Persen finished her law degree at the University of Tromsø in 2006. She also has a law degree from Manchester Metropolitan University, attained in 2009. Jannicke previously worked at a UK Law firm before moving to Tromsø to work at the University in 2011. Since then, she has worked in a broad range of legal fields, including international contract law and research law. She is also an urban Sami with excellent bonfire skills.

Aili Sarre
Aili Sarre is a data librarian and a curator at the institutional data repository at UiT. She teaches various data-related topics, from how to use electronic lab notebooks to how to manage sensitive data. She also collaborates with colleagues from other institutions to coordinate and improve research data support services, for instance, how to implement the CARE principles at UiT. She shamefully admits that during her PhD-project in biochemistry, she had to redo several hours of data analysis due to poor backup routines.
Erik Axel Vollan
Erik Axel Vollan
is a senior engineer at the UiT IT department Research Services group.
His work focuses on research data in all its forms, and he enjoys
working in the mix of different scientific disciplines at the
university. Erik Axel holds a MSc in engineering cybernetics. To balance
his digital daily work he enjoys analogue books and is an enthusiastic
home baker.
Photo: Linnea Nordström (UiT The Arctic University of Norway), licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0
Last modified: Monday, 9 January 2023, 12:33 PM