Sincere thanks to ...

  • Mark Stenersen (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) for help with preparing, shooting and editing the instruction videos.
  • Øystein Lund and Torstein Låg (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) for discussions about the pedagogical aspects of the online course.
  • Martin Mastny (University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague) and the DocEnhance Support for helping us with technical issues in Moodle.
  • Live Kvale (University of Oslo) for contributing from her knowledge about data stewardship.
  • Michaela Aschan, Ann Therese Lotherington, Lilli Mittner, Kenneth Ruud, Omri Snir, and Nigel Yoccoz (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) for sharing their thoughts in interviews.
  • Linnea Nordström (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) for photography.
  • All researchers in the Diversity of research data gallery for sharing information about their research.
  • The teachers' discussion forum at the University Library (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) for valuable feedback on Module 2.
  • Regional stakeholders in Northern Norway for contributing thoughts about data management in the non-academic sector.

A special thanks to the partners in Work Package 2.3 of the DocEnhance project for discussions and feedback on structure and content: University of Chemistry and Technology (Prague), Karlstad University, Tree of Science, University of Alcalá, and All Digital AISBL.

And finally, heartfelt thanks to all teachers, PhD candidates, and administrative support in the three institutions that have piloted this course: University of Chemistry and Technology (Prague), Karlstad University, and UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Naposledy změněno: pondělí, 19. prosince 2022, 14.01