Knowledge of statistics is central to the successful execution of research projects. Even before conducting data analysis, which generally involves some statistical data treatment, statistical knowledge is crucial during project planning and research data management. Statistical knowledge can inform you what variables are affecting your results, and how powerful your conclusions can be. 

In this interview, Professor Nigel Yoccoz at UiT The Arctic University of Norway elaborates on why statistical knowledge is critical during Research Data Management. A clear knowledge and understanding of statistics are necessary in research projects every step of the way: from the planning phase, that includes the writing and updating of your Data Management Plan, through the collection phase, either in the field or the laboratory, and finally to the data analysis, interpretation and writing phases

Transcript of interview with professor Nigel Yoccoz

Lessons learned

  • Statistical knowledge is crucial when planning your project. What data are necessary to complete the project and produce robust and reproducible results?
  • Be aware that all choices made during the research process have the potential to bias your results. A good plan is to document all choices made during the research process.
  • Don’t be afraid of Open Science! Facilitate FAIR data by sharing research data, methodology and results as openly as possible.

Food for thought
  • How much data are required to conduct a thorough investigation of your research project?
  • How much statistical knowledge do you need when working in a research group, or collaborating on a research paper?
Naposledy změněno: pondělí, 2. ledna 2023, 15.33