The sharing/archiving of research results lies at the heart of the Open Science movement. In this video you will hear why sharing/archiving of data is beneficial not only for the research community as a whole, but also for your own research career.

Transcript of video "Sharing is caring"
Links used in video "Sharing is caring"

Lessons learned

  • Archiving/sharing your research data in a trusted repository will ensure that research results can be accessed in the long run.
  • You may be required to archive/share your data in order to comply with requirements from funding bodies.
  • Archiving/sharing your data is a great way of increasing impact and showcasing your work.
  • The benefits notwithstanding, far from all research data is archived and thereby made accessible.

Food for thought

  • What is the ‘reproducibility crisis’, and how does it relate to archiving/sharing of research data?
  • What is the difference between replicating a study, and reproducing it? (Hint: See Section 2.1)

A researcher's thoughts on data sharing

In this video, you will meet Laura A. Janda, Professor of Russian Linguistics at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Professor Janda is a SPARC European Open Data Champion and one of the initiators of the Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics ( TROLLing). In this interview, she shares her thoughts and experiences on data sharing, data reuse, and research transparency. We invite you to get inspired, and to see how you as a researcher can contribute to this cultural change!

Photo/editing: Result/UiT The Arctic University of Norway, licensed under CC BY 4.0

Transcript of video "Open data in linguistics- An interview with Laura A. Janda"

Naposledy změněno: čtvrtek, 15. prosince 2022, 10.26