A research project is very likely obliged to fulfil requirements, given by some authority or funder, on what should be done with the data generated from the project. In this video lecture, you'll be introduced to some general guidelines when it comes to sharing/archiving research data. Should all data generated in the project be shared/archived, or just the data referred to in the published study? When should you share/archive the data, and what should you consider before choosing a data archive?

Transcript of video "What, where and when to share"

Note: Regarding credit to contributors, CRediT (https://credit.niso.org/) has now replaced CASRAI in maintaining a contributor taxonomy.

Lessons learned

  • A minimum requirement is that the data that has been used directly in the study should be archived.
  • The research data should normally be archived at the end of the research project.
  • Take into account guidelines from the employer, funder, and publisher when deciding where to archive your data.
  • How to credit contributors properly.

Food for thought

Where are your peers/colleagues archiving their research data, and why?

Naposledy změněno: čtvrtek, 15. prosince 2022, 10.22