The Data Management Plan (DMP) is a very useful planning tool for any research project, and so also for a PhD project. Well planned is half done, is a saying that holds much wisdom. As you start your PhD project, the tasks ahead of you may seem overwhelming. So therefore, start early to work on your planning, including your DMP. The tasks ahead of you will thus be drawn onto a roadmap for you to follow step by step.

Note that your initial DMP is an announcement of what you plan to do in your PhD project. And you need to update your plan as your project proceeds. But take care not to change your initially intended research questions and null hypothesis. That may not be good research practice and ethics. You need to discuss changes to your research questions and hypothesis with your supervisor(s). 

Transcript of video "How to write a DMP: The DMP is a project management tool"

Lessons learned

  • The Data Management Plan should include a plan for all the data handling activities in your project.
  • This should also include clear statements of responsibilities distributed among the project members, to avoid any misunderstanding.
  • Your DMP should be updated as you progress, to make sure your DMP roadmap is always up to date.

Food for thought

Take a moment and think through your data collecting or data generating phase.

  • If you haven't already collected your data: Write down for yourself, in detail and to your best knowledge, all the pitfalls you need to avoid in the collecting phase, and describe the method you will use to avoid them.
  • If you have already collected your data: Assess your data collection activity, and write down for yourself, in detail, what you should have planned better, as you see it in hindsight.

Naposledy změněno: čtvrtek, 15. prosince 2022, 10.38