In this section, you can test your knowledge in our exam assignment. If you get 80%, or 24 correct answers, you will receive a certificate that shows that you have completed and passed Module 1 of the DocEnhance Data Stewardship course.

Before you do the exam, we give you a brief recap of the course.

You have worked through ten different sections: First a section that introduces RDM and why this is important. Then a section on the concept of research data. And finally eight sections that together cover the lifecycle of research data management. By this, we hope we have given you a better understanding and a deeper awareness of good practices, and some ideas about how you can proceed in your own research data management. We have talked about the FAIR data principles and underlined that sharing knowledge, including research data, is essential for progress in research, innovation, and society in general. 

But, open archiving of data and/or metadata, what’s in it for you?

  • You may increase the impact and visibility of your research.
    • Other people may find your data and use them in their research or innovation (and as such cite you), or they may contact you for future collaborations.
    • You may contribute to the improvement/validation of research methods. Sharing not only your data, but also information about which methods you have used, allows other researchers to evaluate the success of your methodological choices.
  • You fulfill requirements from funders and journals, which may improve your chances of being evaluated for funding or publishing in desired channels.
  • You know that your data are safe and reusable, also in the future.

These bullet points can be useful to keep in mind when you work on your data. Especially if you find yourself asking yourself whether it’s worth spending so much time on it.

We thank you for taking our course and wish you all the best with the exam and with your PhD project!

Naposledy změněno: úterý, 13. prosince 2022, 09.24